Take back control of your data
With Schluss, you – and you alone – decide who knows what about you

Share information
however you want to
Whoever needs information about you, sends you a request first. Then, it is up to you.
Safely stored
in your vault
You store your information safely in your own digital vault.
and always up-to-date
You can always see who has had access to your information. And you can easily change it, so it’ll always be up-to-date!
Our vision
It’s time to take back control
Do you ever read the privacy statements? Nobody really does. We are constantly sharing personal information online. And, as a result, our identities aren’t even ours anymore. And that’s why, with Schluss, you and only you are in charge of who knows what about you.
From your personal information everywhere...
- you have no control
- anyone has access to it
- you are vulnerable
- unwanted leaks
- it is often outdated
...to you being in charge!
- you control your data
- you always know who has access to it
- what it’s being used for
- no unwanted data leaks
- it’s always up-to-date

The Schluss roadmap
We can almost see you frowning, saying Schluss is taking the long way home. That it’s too big an idea. Complicated. Impossible, perhaps, even. We know. And that is why we came up with our roadmap, in 3 steps.
Schluss partners also dream of a better world
Schluss is growing. Just as the impact it is having on how we approach personal information and online privacy. We are tremendously proud of this. But we can only do it together with our partners. Partners who – just like us – dream of a better world. A world in which everyone is back in control of their own information. Together with our partners, we are executing pilots that develop Schluss even further.

Hey you, Developer!
Schluss is a community, and we believe we can learn from you and you can learn from us. Together we can make sure people get back control of their personal data again and that is why we are building a movement. Want to join?
Join us
The time has come for you to take back control over your own information. We know, it sounds a little revolutionary. But it is. And only together can we make it possible. So join us and become part of the Schluss-community!
With Schluss, you – and you alone – decide who knows what about you.